Friday, August 22, 2008

The Void

Well, what can I say? There's not a whole lot going on with SWATcash at the moment. However, I'll still try to make a short post noting some of the little things.

First off, the August contest is pretty close to an end, and I feel confident that I will place in the top 5 for bp spent (I've spent somewhere over 35,000 bp). I'm also confident I won't place in any of the other categories. I didn't do any offers this month, and didn't get any referrals who made it past payout, but the good news (I guess it's good news) is that you can only win in one category, so that doesn't really matter and I can save my offers for a future contest.

In other news... It was announced today that new members will be required to verify a pin number if they want to use Paypal to recieve their money. As it is I think there are huge amounts of unclaimed money from people who just register, do a few offers than leave. Some people even do $100+ in offers and never seem to come back. While this new feature is designed to prevent fraud, one can't help but notice that this will raise the amount of members who disapear never to recieve payment.

That's pretty much it for now. I'll try to come up with some helpful tips to post next time.

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