Monday, June 30, 2008

I've Forgotton What Sleep Feels Like

After dozens of hours of work and exhaustion, I finally completed my mission. I've moved 132 times on the world map in the matter of a single day. As far as I know this is the most anyone has moved so far in one day. The maximum amount of moves possible is 145. Even then though it isn't really humanly possible, there are quite a few delays you have to trudge through and for that reason 145 moves wouldn't be possible for a human to get in a legit manner.

There are some people I'd like to thank that made this special occasion possible. First off I want to thank the inventor of coffee; if it wasn't for you, I never would have made it past those grueling 34 hours. Next I'd like to thank the GAMESHARK alliance for just being awesome. And last by not least I would like to thank The Beatles; your music kept me sane... Well as sane as someone who stays up for 34+ hours can be.

To get into the details of the past day or so though, I can safely say that you would not want to watch the tv show 24 if I was staring it. Although I didn't get the chance to save the world seven times in one day, some pretty crazy things did happen. For one thing there were the hallucinations, this is the point where I was past exhaustion. It probably didn't help that I hadn't eaten either, but I'm no doctor. I can't quite remember everything I did during that time, but I think I remember talking on the phone to someone when no one was actually on the other line. So, yea it was a bit crazy. A lot of the other time I spent pacing my house trying to stay awake, and refreshing the forums every five minutes.

In other news, all the free time waiting for the World Map timer let me make a custom template for this blog, I will continue to edit and improve it, but I hope it makes you all warm and gooey inside.

In case you were wondering, these were my stats at the end of the day. I refrained from attacking a lot because I just wanted to focus on moving.
Item Carried: None Last Found Item: 1 Bullets
Bullets: 373 Moves: 5567
Grenades: 100 Moves Today: 132
Missiles 19 Attacks: 22889
Land Mines 3 Attacks Today: 485
Land Mines Out: 1 Retaliations: 75
Attack: 33 Defends: 1275
Defense: 18 HP 60
Base Defense: 36 BP/Pocket: 4117 / 5000
Level: 14 Exp/Next 24210 / 25000

Only two people attacked my base, which makes me a sad panda.
62278 DesertEagle 5:15:05 PM 06/30/2008 Failure No
1460 doherdirty 11:55:54 AM 06/30/2008 Failure No

I found two outposts, only one having exp, and I moved one spot up the ladder. (Sorry Shof). I also found two packs of wolves, and a few landmines I'm still unable to see.

I've had some time to reflect, and ponder the true meaning of life, the universe, and everything. And I've decided that the answer really must be 42, because that's exactly how many hours I plan on sleeping for.

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