Sunday, July 13, 2008

Maximize Your World Map Movements

This will be the first of many tips I plan on posting. I will tell you a few ways you can maximize the amount of movements you make per day on the World Map.

First off, let me start by saying that planning is one of the most important steps to make the most out of your time. If you plan ahead you can easily get 60+ moves in a day. Decide ahead of time what time your going to sleep, and what time you'll wake up. If you know you are going to be busy all day the next day, don't be afraid to sacrifice a few hours of sleep in order to make up for it.

One of the things that really helps me my number of moves up is my PSP. (A phone that can handle SWATcash would be an even better choice). Whatever your choice though, if it has portable internet capabilities and can handle both the site and the WM you are set. Now, with the PSP if you are restricted to only a few hours of battery time, I find it works best to only leave the wifi switch on when you are making your moves/attacks. Since you probably don't want to log into SC every 10 minutes another thing you can do to reserve your power is to turn the PSP screen off by holding down the brightness button. (Make sure to put it on hold when not using). To help you remember when you have to move, I'd suggest either a stop watch of some kind, or using your phone alarm if possible. Remember to set the timer to around 7:50 minutes when you are on a base (Gives you time to attack). And do 9:50 minutes when you land on a empty space. If used effectively a PSP or other device can greatly boost your move count.

For when your at home (or if you're using a laptop) I highly recommend getting a count down alarm application. While it might seem easy enough to just remember to move or attack every 8/10 minutes, it isn't. One can easily lose themselves if they are working on a project, playing a game, watching a movie, etc. A simple I can recommend is Cool Timer, it can be found here. You may find one you like more, but this one works well enough. Remember though; if the timer goes below 2 minutes and you attack, it will automatically reset back to 2 minutes. So for this reason if you plan on attacking bases, set the timer for 7:50 minutes when you land on one, and 9:50 when you don't. This will greatly help save time.

When you have to cook food, fold laundry, dust the furniture, save the world, etc. I highly recommend using some of that planning I talked about. If possible put the said chore off until right after you move. This will help a lot because than you have 8/10 minutes to get that pesky task finished. Also make sure to turn your speakers up a bit in case you don't finish in time. (That is if you are using an alarm program).

If you don't have any ambitions when it comes to the WM Ladder, I have a tip that should help you save some time. Most people probably aren't interested in spending 1sc every time you lose 20 hp (that's .5sc per failure, retaliation, or land mine explosion!) therefore they probably just let their hp dwindle down until they eventually die. The problem with this is that'll waste 60 minutes of possible move time (6 moves!). Therefore what I suggest is that you find some bases you fail on, (you probably want around 4) mark them on your map, and if you're getting to a low hp before you go to bed, go on a suicide mission. Purposefully attack these bases, die, then go to sleep. When you wake up you'll have full hp and you won't have to wait 60 minutes to move. Now sometimes you won't be able to use this tactic, so I suggest you use that 60 minutes wisely and do either a particularly long chore you have for that day, or do a series of small ones. That will give you more free time to move after the penalty is over. (This tactic can also be used if you wander into a cave).

That's all the tips I have for today. If you know any good tips you feel I should post feel free to tell me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Liking the blog and omg 132 moves in a day, your mad.